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Iain - The Nut Man, cooking at the Nelson Market.

The Nelson Market Experience: A Must-Visit for Foodies & Crafters

The Nelson Market is more than just a business for Nutty D'Lites. It's a thriving community buzzing with success stories, diverse talents, and the entrepreneurial spirit that fuels our passion for handcrafted delights.

The Nelson Market: Where Legends Begin

This market has birthed legends—enterprises that began as a spark of passion and transformed into household names. Take Pics Peanut Butter, for instance. Dissatisfied with commercial offerings, the founder embarked on a quest for genuine peanut butter. This pursuit led to the creation of the world's finest peanut butter available right here at the Nelson Market.

Similarly, Hogarths Chocolate's voyage began at sea, encountering the allure of cacao. This transformative experience laid the foundation for a chocolatier's dream, blossoming into a thriving venture right within these market walls.

And then there's Proper Crisps—a longing for real potato crisps metamorphosed into a commitment to crafting authentic, hand-cooked crisps. These stories resonate with us, inspiring our pursuit of quality and innovation at Nutty D'Lites.

 A Market Steeped in History

The Nelson Market's inception dates back several decades when Nita Knight, inspired by Nelson's charm, established the market in 1978 at Millers Acre by the Maitai River. What began as a brief trial swiftly gained traction, prompting the Nelson City Council to grant extended licenses, reflecting the market's growing popularity.

Nita's commitment to supporting local businesses and artisans has been a cornerstone of the market's success. In 2018, Nita Knight was recognised for her contributions to the Nelson region's business community with the New Zealand Order of Merit citation, acknowledging her dedication to fostering a thriving marketplace.

Market Neighbours: A Tapestry of Talent

Our neighbours at the market, each a distinctive force, enrich our trading experience. Pangaea Fossils and Crystals, with its captivating display of ancient wonders, add depth and fascination to our corner of the market. James, the owner, brings history to life through his collection, captivating visitors and enhancing the market's allure.

Mountain Valley Honey, steeped in a commitment to the little things that count. Nestled in the mountains and valleys of the South Island, Murray and Nicky Elwood cultivate raw, unpasteurised honey, honouring the bees' hard work and natural processes.

Nathalie began crafting gem trees in her parent's garage when she was young. Since then, she's travelled the world, sharing her craft. She's been trading at Nelson Market for many years, offering personalised family trees and a range of unique creations.

Doris of Bratwurst Grill is an institution herself. With roots in Bavaria and an apprenticeship in sausage-making at fifteen, she has become synonymous with authentic German flavours at the market. Her dedication to traditional methods resonates, making her a beloved fixture amongst market-goers.

Montgomery Square Carpark: Our Shared Home

Nestled within the vibrant heart of Montgomery Square Carpark, the market thrives, rain or shine. It's not just a location; it's a cornerstone of our communal identity—a place where dreams materialise, connections blossom, and success stories unfold.

Our Love Affair with the Market

At Nutty D'Lites, trading here transcends the transactional—it's about synergy with market legends, inspiration from diverse talents, and the warmth of a community that nurtures growth.

Join us every Saturday at Montgomery Square Carpark, Nelson, where the market is more than commerce—it's an amalgamation of dreams, endeavours, and traditions. Immerse yourself in a tapestry of success stories, savour the flavours of authenticity, and become a part of our vibrant community.

Experience the Nelson Market Saturdays—a celebration of entrepreneurship, diversity, and the shared passion that defines us all!

The Nelson Market | Open 8 am until 1 pm, every Saturday at Montgomery Square, Nelson.

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