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The Ultimate Crunch

Regular price $97.00 Sale price $108.00

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Indulge in a Medley of flavour with our Ultimate Crunch selection of artisan caramelised nuts! This generous box of nine bags is packed with pure deliciousness:

  • 3 bags of our New Zealand-crafted caramelised almonds - a timeless favorite with a satisfying crunch.
  • 3 bags of our delectable caramelised hazelnuts - a touch of hazelnut magic to elevate your snacking experience.
  • 3 bags of our creamy caramelised cashews - the ultimate indulgence for true cashew connoisseurs.

The Ultimate Crunch is perfect for:

  • Satisfying intense cravings for sweet and crunchy goodness.
  • Stocking your pantry with a delightful variety of artisan nut treats.
  • Sharing a gourmet snacking experience with loved ones.

Don't wait! Order your Ultimate Crunch selection today and savour the irresistible taste of New Zealand handcrafted snacks!

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